Friday, July 31, 2009

Jeng, Jeng, Jeng!

~ Quiz time XD

What does.....

Peter Jackson

Adele's 20th Birthday

Extraterrestrial Diplomacy


....Share in common? * ?_? *

Hehehehe.... the answer is:

Nuffnang's awesome enough to organize a Premiere Screening for District 9 on August 12th, the very day this gal saw the world! ^^

And well, y'know how Star Wars, Dune, Mars, UFOs... are some of my favourites :D

Hehe, if you'll ask Bernie, she'll have you know that at one time I'll jokingly tell people I was from Mars, lol.

So yeah, I guess this is one movie that would be great to watch.

Who knows, with advancements in interstellar exploration, one day we might really be living with aliens in our backyard and have to deal with alien-human diplomacy.

Useful movie to watch right? ;)

For more info, teleport over to this magical http XD

P/S: Nuffnag's having some tech difficulties. Will post up direct link to the contest blog post once I've got access to it Posted :)

P/P/S: All pics belong to their copyright holders.

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