Thursday, July 02, 2009

You might have noticed, amidst all the flurry over M.J.'s death, I've yet to mention it even once on this blog.

In fact, I've tend to avoid speaking about it as well offline. Apart from not being a huge fan, I'm still, kinda well, in shock.

To me, M.J.'s the sort of person whom you don't expect to die. He's just Someone, who occasionally appears in the news, and then isn't heard from again until the next big splash.

Right now, it feels that way. Reading news reports about his death seems more surreal than sad. I wonder if that's how some people reacted to James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and J.F. Kennedy's death?

In a way, they're immortal. To people like me, they're not 'dead'. They're just going away for a long time. Seeing the words RIP or death, alongside the name Michael Jackson, is just unreal. Like a scene from a bad movie.

Thus, none of that tribute business here. Just a highlight of my fav M.J. songs. It's not the standard Heal the World, Black or White, and Man in the Mirror either.

Smooth Criminal

I love this song. From the catchy beats to the dance routines and 1930's club shoot-out. *love*


For the mom. She's the one who loves this song and introduced it to her gal =)

Beat It

One of those songs you never forget.

And finally...


The one song that will always be associated with Jackson 5.

0 sweets:

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