Friday, August 31, 2007

[Listening : Best Friend - NEWS (daisuki!! ^^) ]
[Mood : I adore my NEWS! XD ]

Credits: jkly04

Yes, I'm very very close to pre-ordering Never Ending Wonderful Story Taiwan Edition from YesAsia. And I want to do it soon, to get hold of the Limited Edition version. Muahahaha... it's the version with the 24 page booklet... and fromt he scans I've seen (some posted above), the pics are absolutely yummy! ^^

So far, almost every review I've read has been very favorable ^^ But almost everyone who bought the DVD and invested time to review it would be a NEWS fan XD

Hahaha... sorry if I sound delirious... fangirling does that to even the sanest of people =p Now, please excuse me while I go stare at Never Ending Wonderful Story.

P/S: This was really touching. Uchi-kun, we're all waiting to see you in concert again... as a performer and not just a spectator ne!

0 sweets:

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