To have slightly more than 2 hours of sleep in 2 days, and still be able to function relatively well is... really good, me thinks (syok sendiri-ing XD ) Except that now... all I want to do is sleep, sleep and have more sleep. And I'm not even the type that likes to catch forty winks! XD
Oh well, I've still got an IT skill test to complete.
And... OMG! I've got to get 46/60 for my Economics trial exam in order to have a 'safer' chance of getting an A in the subject. Currently, I just missed falling into the 'A' bracket... so I've got to work harder. Not to mention the fact that I usually freeze up during important examinations, which really isn't gonna help towards getting those 46 points.
Oh, and I'm in the same group for Math DI as Tat Ren and Dong Yang. Haha... well, I guess it'll be interesting... but there could be a slight disadvantage (or might even be an advantage XD ) as we only number 3 while some other teams have 4.
Now, IT skill test beckons...
P/S: What I owe my teachers:
- IT skill test & trial exam 2006
- English hw
- Accouting Report, Trial 2006
- Two economics essay from Econs 2006 trial paper
- I bet there's more only that I can't recall now
Now playing: MONGOL 800 - PART TIME JOB SONG
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