[Mood : Grrr.... *sharpens claws* ]
My server (or something like that) is down... which means NO Internet conenction. This is probably the WORST time to NOT have an Internet Connection since my IT project is not done. And goodness knows what happened to my group mate who's supposed to do the flash stuff and things that my old FrontPage can't do (which is basically almost all the designing stuff).
Gaah!! Everyone's finished or almost finished with theirs while I slug it out at my aunt's house, leeching her connection and trying to figure what I'll need to save for later use. And having an old version of FrontPage (since I'm fossil-ised enough to NOT have a DVD drive) while having utilized the newer version's features at college is NOT FUN!
Yes, I'm in a very bad mood. NOT having an Internet connection complicates things a lot. This means that laaaate tomorrow night (well, call it eaaarly Monday mornign if you prefer), when I'm working on my website and losing sleep (which I'm sure I'll be doing at the rate things are progressing) if I need to get something from the Net, or send/receive stuff to andfrom my group mate... I can't. Which translates to doom.
PS: Not everything's bad. I received a comment on Vox today in romanized Japanese. From a fellow Koyama fan. Hehe... somehow, I feel strangely honoured that someone from Japan would leave me a comment in Japanese. That someone in japan would even read all my senseless JE ramblings XD
A nice, sweet comment too... from what I can understand of the message after applying my limited knowledge of Japanese. And she even gave me a 'this is good' (in Japanese too, of course XD). That someone would care toleave me a message even though I don't blog in her native language makes me happy ^^ NEWS fans unite! XD I REALLY should update my Vox more often and do my job as administrator/founder of the JE and NEWS communities there.
0 sweets:
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