Friday, July 06, 2007

[Mood : Depressed ]
[Listening : Life is a Boat - Rie Fu ]

I feel like crap, both emotionally and health-wise. And I seriously want to slap someone, but Adele is practicing anger management and self control, so unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) I'll be able to de-skin, boil and deep fry that person only in my depraved thoughts.

I've got myself two classics from the library to read and sandpaper my rather rusty writing skills with in a bid to raise the standard of my writing.

They are Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude. Both great works of literature and perennial classics.

To be more specific, what I aim to improve on in my writing are dialogs, style & flow, and to increase my vocabulary.

Hopefully, if I can get my act together and craft a decent story, I'll enter this year's MPH young writer's search competition. Before that, I'll have to do my 'homework' XD

0 sweets:

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