Tuesday, August 04, 2009

You know I've got issues when I start blogging more than once a day =.=

*Can alter the date-stamp to make it look like I've blogged for the whole week? =P *

Sometimes I really wonder what in the world am I doing studying Business@Monash.

My International Trade Law assignment is 90% finished, but I'm not even sure I got the legal style of writing right. It's been 2 sems since I last did a law unit.

... MonGa interview article dateline's this Sunday too X_X

Ok la, enough emo-ing... something insanely happy n cheerful:


If you hate the vid, blame my MAOU onii-san Kon for video spamming the club forum's chatbox last night =P

I adoreeee the pink dino. Adele <3 dinos! ^^

I'm in a super random mood... so here's more random stuffy... =P

I'm getting that top from Ladies Fashion for my mom's bday on Saturday. So... if you can read my mom's mind, this is probably not the best time to let me know she doesn't like leopard prints XD

Hehe, I have a feeling she'll like it though... hopefully ^^


I've fallen in love with this hairband from Baby Be Dazzled ! =D

It's so lovely, kan? Me especially like the red/black combo and the double strand plastic band ^^

Adele and Yin Fong @ uni ^^

^ That's the reason why I like hairbands XD

I look less like a goody-goody geek with some accessories on, whilst Yin Fong has her pretty curls XD

And below is me in 2007 when I had more of an Acne problem than now.

Post SPM + SAM year + stress + hormones = disaster XD

Pls mentally erase/ignore the pimples =.= XD

^ After a happy time at Auli's Raya party. Kebayas (Malay/Nyonya traditional women's outfit) are love <3

Hehe. Haven't posted so many pics of myself in a long time. In fact, haven't taken many new ones lately too.

Let's see if Adele can get past the lazy/busy to upload pics from her old skool double AA battery Kodak digicam stage XD

2 sweets:

tips kita said...
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wiyono said...
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