Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Ooooo... who is it meeting Queen E? Some aristocrat? Madonna?

*sshhh if you already know ;) *

Looks kinda like Madonna right? Guess it has to be her, being one of the few platinum blonds in entertainment prestigious enough to meet the Queen.


Uh-uh. Try again ;)

It's GaGa Ooh La La XD

Erm, yes, her

Meeting Her

We~ell, they might have the same eccentric taste in fashion XD

Have you seen some of the Queen's hats? o.0

My eyes =.=

So, we have Lady G caught in a Bad Romance and Q.E caught in a Bad Hat-Romance =P

Looks like there's not as many differences between them after all.

Extras// press article (funny XD )

3 sweets:

conan_cat said...

lol! i actually kinda liked the hats, maybe i got bad taste too? :P

and yeah, Lady Gaga is really gonna be the next-gen Madonna. she may not be pretty but she got stylezzz :D

stephy-nie said...

LOL! Lady GaGa the weirdo in fashion meets Queen Elixabeth the weirdo in hats collection? XD

I love Bad Romance!!

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