Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It's been a while since the last post... because life's still hectically busy XD

I've an assignment due next week, another in two weeks' time, and two due on the very same day in three weeks' time. *faints*

The Comm 1020 major essay is worth 40%! No kidding there. There's also Marketing and Macroecons mid-term test this week.

On top of that, have to juggle dual MAOU (AniManga club) responsibilities. One as normal secretary, and the other as co-secretary of the committee managing the as yet unnamed fiesta planned for week 11 - which is end of September in non Monash terms.

I'll be cosplaying for the very first time too, and debuting at the fiesta. ^^ Thus, have to plan out the details of my costume as well.

In other words, hang in there amigos, I'll update as soon as there's more than an iota of free time ;)


1 sweets:

Anonymous said...

Instead of criticism write the variants is better.

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