Thanks to Nuffnang's Premiere Screening, I brought my godmother to TGV 1U yesterday night for Ghosts of Girlfriends Past ^^
It was my first Nuffnang screening, so I wasn't very sure how to collect the tickets, and for a moment I panicked and wondered if I really had been invited for the show, but luckily everything turned out alright XD
P.C. Ichigo Ramen's Reviews
The Case
So, how was the movie? W-ell.... if you really have to watch it, there's nothing to lose ^^
While not particularly good, it's no hardship to sit through the entire movie as it's rather fast-paced and entertaining.
The jokes can get cheesy and overtly sexual though, so just a little warning for the sexually adversed XD
Besides, there really are some gems of a momment. Teehee.

Surprisingly, with Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner in the lead, the best acting and scenes come from those involving some of the supporting cast.

We especially loved Noureen DeWulf's Melanie - the no nonesense, long suffering assistant to McConaughey's Connor Mead :)
Another surprise was Emma Stone's sometimes annoying but funny Allison Vandermeersh, Connor's ghost of girlfriends past.
Michael Douglas is also credible as the womanizing and very much dead Uncle Wayne, who is a (wicked XD ) father figure to Connor.

Lastly, Kasey Russel and Devin Brochu are simply adorable as the young Coner and Jenny Perotti. Hehe, there'll definitely be an "aww..." moment when the two youngsters light up the screen ^^
Look out for a sexay Christina Milian as tween popstar Keelia as well =D
Time After Time, one of the songs featured in the movie :)
Overall, 5.5/10. Doesn't matter if you don't watch the movie, but doesn't hurt as well to give it a go =)
P/S: The I *heart* Nuffnang can badge is cute ^^
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