Hehehe. Here they are! Not much, but still... better than nothing, and too much is not a good thing XD
Me, Galie, Jen, Auli and Gary ^^
Guess which pair's mine? One's very obviously Gary's XD
Gary: Yerr... what are you looking at?
Venue: KLCC
Date: 6 December (Bernie's Bday!)
But... the birthday girl couldn't go due to a project dateline, so instead we called her up. Yay!
That's why KF dear couldn't get through to my phone when he tried to call XD

We watched the much hyped Twilight XD
I like the Cullens and that fuels my interest. But honestly, I think the storyline's a wee bit over-the-top.
Nevertheless, although I did end up rolling my eyes a few times, Twilight's an enjoyable bit of escapism I don't mind watching again ^^
Pluuus, I've got a new fav sport. Vampire baseball. Kekeke.
Date: 6 December (Bernie's Bday!)
But... the birthday girl couldn't go due to a project dateline, so instead we called her up. Yay!
That's why KF dear couldn't get through to my phone when he tried to call XD
*All pics thanks to Galie*
We watched the much hyped Twilight XD
I like the Cullens and that fuels my interest. But honestly, I think the storyline's a wee bit over-the-top.
Nevertheless, although I did end up rolling my eyes a few times, Twilight's an enjoyable bit of escapism I don't mind watching again ^^
Pluuus, I've got a new fav sport. Vampire baseball. Kekeke.
The My Women Stuff Christmas Giveaway is ongoing until 15 December and there's fantabulous Christmas gifts to be won, thanks to Paris B =)
Hehe. My wish is the Nana Mays Gift Set. What's yours? ;)
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