... Because ...
... my package from Hong Kong arrived yesterday! Yup yup, when I got home from accounting exam... I caught sight of it, in a padded, grey water-proof envelope on my shoe cabinet. Immediately suspecting it was my long-awaited package, I peered closer... and there it was, printed neatly on the label... Adelina Tan Eee Lin XD
It was worth not having my Never Ending Wonderful Story arrive earlier, just to be able to get it after falling sick on Monday and after Accounting exam (tough paper, but I tried my near-best considering I was ill on Monday night and wasn't feeling well while attempting the paper, but there goes my B16 and possible A17)
Well, I'll post pics, but later k? When trials are all over, and maybe not here, but on Vox ^^
Anyway, I've seen it - the glorious 2 DVD NEWS bonanza going by the moniker Never Ending Wonderful Story!! And.... *ta-da* I looooooove it to
Reviews perhaps coming up as well. Depends on whether Adele can stop laughing over the funny bits in the DVD and how lazy I am.
Quick comments:
- As usual, they had some pretty fuggly outfits
but Yamapi looks good in darn much everything, and in nothing as well *thinking of the onsen scene* XDNotable exceptions are the ones they wore for Hoshi wo Mezashite, Snow Express, Love Addiction (Kei-chan solo... I'm bias XD and I like guys who look good in casual suits) and Miso Soup (Tegoshi and Massu duet)
- I want Tegoshi's stylist!! XD

- The solos! Massu's was
pure crackthe funniest, with Pumpkin. Yamapi (Gomen ne, Juliet) and Kei-chan's were hot, Shige's was sexy with the sofa and all (but outfit was a little mismatched XD ), Teshi's (Stars) was sweet and I didn't really like Ryo's (Code) =p
- The modified version of Dreams (towards the end of disc 2) was really touching, with the lyrics changed to incorporate NEWS into it. The members and fans at the concert were crying, and Adele wanted to cry as well. It's good to have NEWS back after their hiatus ^^
- Kei-chan and Shige look good in glasses ^^
- I've never really noticed it, but Kei's front tooth (bottom row) is crooked. Cute! ^^
- Kei-chan and Shige can go really nuts in their hotel room (documentary in Kagoshima XD )
- One day, if I continue being a Japanese pop culture fan, I might start spouting Engrish (love, in Engrish - rabu; happy birthday, in Engrish - ha pi buff dae [or something along those lines XD ] and 'chu' and 'kissu [kiss]' and 'starto [start]', and 'charm-pi-on [champion]' and 'be heat revolution [lol, I always thought it was bi-ig revolution =p ]' and many, many more XD )
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