[Mood: Blurry eyed sleepyness ]
[Listening: Good News - NewS ]
I've been humming Good News and KAT-TUN's Will Be All Right (I did say in my previous post that I was becoming a KAT-TUN fangirl =p ) all day today XD Hehe... Still waiting for a chance to go JE karaoke-ing.
Anyway, here's a meme/survey that only an Adele-lover (lol... XD ) who's also interested in JE will want to read. I have a sneaky feeling it'll bore the pants off everyone else =p
01. Which Johnny band is your favourite?
- It's good
News ^^
02. Why??
- Their songs are uber genki and... have you seen their pics?! 6 (and perhaps 8 again later this year) drool-worthy guys = ♥ (x1000) XD
03. Who is your favourite Johnny?
- Erm... can I choose 2? XD Currently, Yamapi and Kei-chan

Pi's on the left, Kei's on the right ^^
04. Why?
- Why?! Pi's soooo hardworking, dedicated and writes his own songs. Kei's really funny and has a great sense of humour. And they're both too sexy for mere words to describe =p
05. When was your very first contact with a Johnny?
- Takuya Kimura a looong time ago (I didn't even know what was a Johnny then XD ) in one of his doramas. It might have also been Takki in Anchor Woman. Not sure which dorama did I watch first.
06. Who was it?
- Takuya Kimura or Takki
07. How did you know him?
- Through a dorama (similar for many JE fans ne) ^^
08. When actually did you really start listening/liking the JE?
- Early 2004. Arashi were my first JE love XD
09. What incident brought you into JE?
- Seeing clips of Arashi's 2003 Summer Concert on AIUEO... I think it was their white suits that did it + A-RA-SHI XD
10. Do you have a favourite JE song?
- The whole list would probably fill a book XD
11. Do you listen to them the most?
- JE? Pretty much, I guess. But kinda branching into J rock and stuff now.
12. If not, who is your favourite band/artist?
- Right now... Ayumi Hamasaki, An Cafe, ELLEGARDEN, Battle
13. Which band/singer did you listen/like the most before JE?
- LFO. Haha... I still really cherish my LFO CDs and celebrate LFO day every June 16 (which is real soon XD )
14. Who is your favourite in Kat-tun?
- Erh... Maru
15. Why?
he's cute XD He's good at hosting Shokura
16 Do you have a favourite song of Kat-tun?
- GOLD. Can't resist when they start singing 'Don't you wanna see it when we make it worldwide' XD
17. Do you have a favourite live of Kat-tun? (solos counts, too)
- I love Jin and Kame's Bonnie Butterfly
18. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Kat-tun?
- Not really...
19. Who do you think can sing the best of Kat-tun?
- Jin
20. Who do you think can dance the most of Kat-tun?
- Aah... Maru! =p
21. Who is the girliest of Kat-tun?
- Ueda. He's got the figure and pretty face XD
22. Who is the manliest of Kat-tun?
- Koki. He makes me think of MARS (the manga, not the planet) XD
23. Who is the cutest member of Kat-tun?
- Haha... Junno and Maru ^^
24. Who is the funniest member of Kat-tun?
- Maru. Kei-chan and him are a good pair in terms of hosting as they're both hilarious =D
25. Who is the most prettiest in Kat-tun?
- Jin
26. Who has the best appearance in Kat-tun?
- Junno. I like his gentle and groomed look =)
27. Who is your favourite in NewS?
- Kei-chan and Yamapi
28. Why?
- Too sexy for words XD I wrote a better answer for this ques earlier on
29. Do you have a favourite song of NewS?
- Cherish
30. Do you have a favourite live of NewS? (solos counts, too)
- Kei-chan's Love Addiction. He looks and sounds so 'OMG!! *squeals* HOT!!' in that perf.
31. Do you have a favourite show appearance of NewS?
- All are good... as long as I get to drool and stare XD
32. Who do you think can sing the best of NewS?
- Tego-nyan
33. Who do you think can dance the most of NewS?
- All of them can dance really well ne
34. Who is the girliest of NewS?
- Can I choose Uchi? He's coming back from suspension adey ^^ But honestly, he likes reading shoujo manga.... so cute...
35. Who is the manliest of NewS?
- Massu.... but then he's terrified of cockroaches XD So I guess Ryo is...
36. Who is the cutest member of NewS?
- Kei-chan ^^
37. Who is the funniest member of NewS?
- Kei-chan and Kusano. Shige too, in his own way XD
38. Who is the most prettiest in NewS?
- Uchi. He can pass off as a girl =p
39. Who has the best apperance in NewS?
- Shige! He has really aristocratic features and looks well groomed
40. Do you have a favourite PV of NewS?
- Cherish. Sayaendou's cute too because of the animation XD
41. Who is your favourite in KanJani8?
- Hina!! Was once my biggest obsession XD
42. Why?
- Good sense of humour and funny. Hehe... sounds like the description for Kei-chan ne
43. Do you have a favourite song of KanJani8?
- Mugendai [KJ1 Remix]
44. Do you have a favourite live of KanJani8? (solos counts, too)
Naniwa Iroha Bushi... it always reminds me of a matsuri when I see them perform that song ^^
45. Do you have a favourite show appearance of KanJani8?
- When they appear on Shokura
46. Who do you think can sing the best of KanJani8?
- Uchi, Ryo and Subaru... all three are good ^^
47. Who do you think can dance the most of KanJani8?
- Erm... since I'm bias I'll go for Hina XD
48. Who is the girliest of KanJani8?
- Uchi... lol, I think he's one of the girliest members in the whole of JE
49. Who is the manliest of KanJani8?
my Hina... except the time when he insisted on wearing hairbands XD
50. Who is the cutest member of KanJani8?
- Uchi
51. Who is the funniest member of KanJani8?
- Hina, Yoko and Maru
52. Who is the most prettiest in KanJani8?
- Uchi... yeah, I do like Uchi XD
53. Who has the best apperance in KanJani8?
- Err... Okura and Yassu =p
54. Do you have a favourite PV of KanJani8?
- Sukiyanen Osaka. I adore the dialogue bits and their cute actions
55. Who is your favourite in Arashi?
- Ohno! Baka Riida! XD
56. Why?
He's baka riida XD Hehe... well, he has a gorgeous voice, is funny (I love his antics XD ) and is cute ^^
57. Do you have a favourite song of Arashi?
- A.RA.SHI... the song that got me into JE fandom XD
58. Do you have a favourite live of Arashi? (solos counts, too)
- The whole How's It Going? Summer 2003 concert DVD
59. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Arashi?
- All shows are great as long as I get to stare at Sho and Ohno XD
60. Who do you think can sing the best of Arashi?
- Ohno! No question about that.
61. Who do you think can dance the most of Arashi?
- Aiba... he can move around so much since he's so light
and skinny =p
62. Who is the girliest of Arashi?
- Erm... Aiba
63. Who is the manliest of Arashi?
- Sho
64. Who is the cutest member of Arashi?
- Ohno. He makes me laugh XD
65. Who is the funniest member of Arashi?
- The Omiya SK pair of Ohno and Nino =p
66. Who is the most prettiest in Arashi?
- MatsuJun... esp with that hair....
67. Who has the best apperance in Arashi?
- Sho
68. Do you have a favourite PV of Arashi?
- More than 1... Sakura Sake, Aozora Pedal (it's like a mini dorama XD ) and We Can Make It!
-other units-
69. Who is your favourite younger unit? (ABC, Ya-ya-yah, Kiss my ft, Question...)
- BAD (Kansai Jr Junta Nakama's unit ^^ ), Yax3, ABC and Kis-My-Ft2 (
70. Who is your favourite older unit? (V6, T&T, Smap, Kinki Kids...)
- All, but not as much for Smap.
71. Do you have a favourite member of any younger or older unit?
- Erm... I have a fav in each one... but I guess overall for Jr's it's Senga Kento of Kis-My-Ft2, and Junta Nakama of BAD (although don't get to see much of Junta)

Senga Kento looking adorable ^^ Thanks
sandwichie72. Do you have a favourite song of any younger or older unit?
- Really a lot ne...
73. Do you have a favourite show with any younger or older unit?
- Shokura.... it's the only one I get to see regularly and on tv, not from a com screen XD
74. Do you have a favourite live of any younger or older unit?
- I enjoy seeing Kis-My-Ft2 perform on roller blades *wink*
75. Do you have a favourite actor in JE?
- Yamapi
76. Do you have a favourite dorama starring with one of JE?
- Lunch no Jyou, but Pi didn't really have a major role in it. He was the youngest out of four siblings in that dorama.
77. What was your very first dorama staring with one of JE?
- Anchor Woman (Takki) or one of those KimuTaku ones.
78. Which dorama of JE do you watch recently?
- It's been a while since the last one...
79. Which dorama of JE do you want to watch?
- Nobuta wo Produce, Kurosagi, Proposal Daisakusen, Bambino, One Litre of Tears, and all those with Pi and Kei-chan in it XD
80. Who do you wish would/should start acting, who hasn't yet?
- Erm... even Junta is gonna be in an MBC special soon ne... so I guess Senga Kento (unless he has already started acting?)
81. Who do you wish should stop acting, because he sucks at acting?
- Hahahaha.... Most Johnny's aren't, erm, too good at acting ne *gets shot* XD Even Yamapi sucked in his earlier doramas, but he's getting better ^^
-Questions for fun-
82. Do you think that you are JE addicted?
- Lol... I just filled out a JE survey up to question 82... so what do you think?? XD
83. Why do you think so?
- JE is my life XD Haha... well, not really anymore, but I can't imagine life without JE =p
84. What will you do seeing your favourite Johnny standing in front of your door?
Glomp him =p Well, I'll invite him in and be friends.
85. What advantages does starting liking JE give you?
- The JE guys are my cheerleaders XD
86. What disadvantages does it give you?
- Doing this survey instead of school work XD Erm... let's see... spending money, deterioration of eye sight due to staring at com screen, torturing my hard drive with JE clips =p
87. How many times a day do you think about JE?
- Quite a lot of times... so now you know what's going through my mind XD
88. How many times do you have the face of your favourite Johnny around you?
- Erm... I have pics in my Nano
89. If your favourite Johnny has to grant you a wish, what would it be?
- Kei-chan: Let's hang out with Shige and eat ramen at your family's ramen shop ^^
90. If you have a wish about JE, what would it be?
- NEWS. All 8 members. Concert. Malaysia. And erm... reasonable prices for the tickets and concert goods XD
91. If you are reborn, you wish to be who?
- Kei-chan or Yamapi's sister XD Hehehe... well, it'll be nice to be their best friend or something and hang out together
92. If you are a Johhny's right now, who do you wish you are?
- Yamapi... no wait, don't want to kill myself with work... so Shige, I guess... brains, looks, talent, family - Shige has the whole package.
93. If you can ask your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE band a question, what would
it be?
- Yamapi: How the heck do you survive with such a heavy workload and long working hours?
Really admire him a lot. He works so hard, and balances such a heavy workload with life as an undergraduate at a prestigious uni.
94. Did you ever had a dream with a Johhny?
- Something of that sort. Nino was in it.
95. If yes, when was it and what was it?
- I think it was about a year or two ago. Dreamed that I was outside this house with a group of people my age, having a barbecue party. The atmosphere was real friendly and happy with lots of chatting and stuff, and Nino played the guitar. It was quite a nice dream to have, although don't know why Nino was in it since he's not really my fav XD
96. Do you have any realizable goal in your life that has to do with JE?
- NEWS attending the launch/promotion of my book =p
97. Do you like JE BL fanfic?
- I'm comfortable with JE BL fanfics, but I don't really read them.
98. If yes, who are the best couple of JE?
- Ryo x Uchi XD
99. If you are Johnny-san what would you change about JE?
- Treat JE fans better, treat the Jr's better, have less ROFL unit/group names *coughkis-my-ft2cough*, and STOP giving people a bad impression of JE by being a control freak and manipulating the industry just because companies are afraid of being ostracized by JE.
100. Do you like this survey? ^.^
- pretty much.. spent a lot of time..